Duration of the project: 01.12.2022 - 01.10.2024

Funding program: Erasmus+, Action type KA220-ADU

Description of the project:

The project is part of the KA2 action of the Erasmus + program, in the field of adult education. The project is funded by the German National Agency.

Project coordinator is OUTREACH HANNOVER EV Germany, in partnership with Fondazione Don Giovanni Zanandrea Onlus from Italy, Link DMT from Italy, Preduzeće za profesionalnu rehabilitaciju i zapošljavanje osoba sa invaliditetom ITECCION DOO Pancevo Serbia, Centar za neformalno obrazovanje i celozivotno ucenje udruzenje Serbia, Association Humanost Macedonia and CYA KRIK Macedonia.

The project answers to the needs defined and aims to empower parents, guardians, caregivers and adult educators for providing individualized support to persons with disability for their independent living. 

Specific objectives:

Empower parents and guardians for the independent living of young adults with disabilities through development of inspiring, innovative and up-to-date handbook, as well as the intensive course mentorship.

Empower our adult educators and improve knowledge management of our organizations in theory and practice for building competences of educators for independent living of (young) adults with disabilities, through innovative curriculum for educators’ training and useful toolkit with workshops for beneficiaries.

Share project results, exchange good practices on local/national level, as well as further develop quality strategic partnership among partners from 4 European countries with different realities in regards to opportunities available for adults with disabilities. 

Project outcomes & activities:

O1 Handbook on independent living of young adults with disabilities, with examples of different programmes in different countries that prove the effectiveness of the competence development. The handbook will contribute to mind-set development of parents and guardians to believe in innovative learning and possibilities of independent living of their children with disabilities.

O2 Experiential methodology – Intensive Mentorship Course (IMC) of parents and young adults with disability together – publication as well as the pilot course, where the families will practice concrete experiences – buying, cooking, cleaning, socializing, etc.; and get mentorship in their local environments. Parents will get the confidence and the tools on how to support their children in their independent living process.

O3 Toolkit for adult educators with individual workshops and activities to use in their direct work with parents/guardians of persons with disability – consisting of different workshops and recommendations to adult educators on developing volunteer management system for parents/guardians; providing regular supervision to them; organising needed mentorship for them.

O4 Curriculum “Training of adult educators on how to support, educate and mentor parents/guardians of persons with disability for independent living of their” – the curriculum of a

7-day-long training course on empowering adult educators to further develop competences and methods of supporting parents and guardians of young adults with disability in their independent living endeavour. It will consist of detailed session designs, as well as recommendations for easier multiplication purposes.

4 local training courses of at least 32 trainers of adult educators from our local communities educated in using the methodology developed

4 Multiplier events (with at least 130 multipliers) with the Photography exhibition addressing the problem and raising awareness